Sunday, November 28, 2010

I've been a bad blogger.

I have hardly updated lately, things have just been so busy since we moved into the new place. I keep taking pictures of our new place to upload and then I start thinking to myself "No...I'll wait. I haven't hung that picture that I've been meaning to hang yet" or "Oh man, I forgot to put the dishes away before I took the picture".

I'm a perfectionist, what can I say. So, you all will see pictures when I'm satisfied that everything is put together perfectly. Let's shoot for March. ;)

Overall, I must say that we are very happy here. The apartment is really perfect for us. I absolutely love it. Generally all I wanted in an apartment was someplace that was safe, clean, and affordable. I wasn't looking for someplace that I thought was decorated perfectly because in my opinion, it's just an apartment. It's not like we own it or anything. But we could not have been more lucky with this place. Not only is it safe, clean, quiet, and affordable, it's also painted and decorated perfectly. Honestly, most of the design choices in this place are things that I would have chosen for my own home. If this place were for sale I would buy it.

When I say "decorated" I don't mean that the place came furnished or anything. I'm simply using that word for lack of a better term. What I mean are the little details like the beautiful silver textured wallpaper in the kitchen, and the interior brick wall in bathroom, or the amazing all tile steam shower, or the great white molding around the windows that contrasts perfectly against the grey walls. And to make things even more perfect, the back bedroom was painted the exact green color that matches Ians bedding and decor. I am in love with my apartment.

...and all of the other aspects of my life.

I can't explain to you how blessed we feel to have this next baby on the way. We wanted this, and it's almost strange to try and then get pregnant since Ian was such a surprise. We are very excited though. Our hearts told us that this was the right time.

To make things even better, this pregnancy (though I am only 5 weeks today) has gone very smoothly. With Ian and I was horribly ill for over a week before I even found out that I was pregnant. That sickness lasted for the next nine months. This time, no strong morning sickness. Yes, I've got sick a couple of times, and I get nauseous every night around 8:00 pm, but overall, I don't spend all day every day puking my brains out, which is a vast improvement from my first pregnancy.

Toby is very happy with work. He feels better and better about his job every day. It really is rare that someone enjoys their work as much as he enjoys his.

And I'm finishing up another successful quarter of school. Thankfully I will be taking this next quarter off. I took classes over the summer, for which I received financial aid, so I have to take another quarter off. I choose Spring. I need a break.

So, if you've made it this far, the general idea is; We're doing well, and we're very happy. =)

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