Monday, October 17, 2011

A teeny-tiny personality.

It's so easy to forget what it's like to have a baby. Even though Ian is only two years old, it is amazing how much I forgot.

That first year goes so quickly. One moment you are holding a new baby in your arms, imagining all of the things that you will teach them, show them, and do with them through that first year. The next thing you know you are laying in bed having a little cry because you realize that exactly a year has gone by since you gave birth. And the same goes with the second year...and so on and so forth.

The first year went by so fast that I almost forgot how enjoyable these early months are. Vanessa-Kate is nearing three months. Three months. Sometimes it feels like she has always been here. But other times it feels like it was just yesterday that we were hoping and praying to see two pretty pink lines on the pregnancy test. But I cannot believe how much her little personality is coming out already. She is smiling, and laughing, and she is starting to play with her taggie blanket. She laughs at certain things. She makes a bashful face when you tell her how cute she is. She's mild mannered. She doesn't mind taking a back seat (in her bouncy seat) when her big brother has a big loud ineeditrightnow moment. She doesn't mind if Mommy needs a nap or wants to sleep in. She's sweet and easy going.

I can't believe how much she has changed over the last (almost) three months. She is already letting us know who she is going to be. It's such an amazing thing to be a part of, watching a teeny-tiny personality blossom. My heart swells with such love as I watch her grow. I feel so very blessed that I have been given the opportunity to be a part of something as special as raising her. It really doesn't get any better than this. I love being your Mommy Vanessa-Kate.

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