Wednesday, February 10, 2010 live in the East.

This past week has been nothing but snow in our corner of the world.
This storm started up last week piled up around 2 feet of snow. Then we got a two day break...and now it has been coming down for two days straight. This is a blizzard I tell ya!
On the bright side Toby didn't have to work today, so he was able to spend the day and home with Ian and I. However he has spent most of the day working on schoolwork. Can't win them all.

Ian and I are running out of things to do since we've been snowed in for so long. We both look like bums. Ian has been hanging out in his pj's half of the day, and my hair looks like it's been attacked by a wind storm. We're going to make some chocolate chip cookies soon... because I eat when I'm bored. *sigh*

At least the snow made for some cute pictures of Ian and his cousin Aiden this weekend

Ian in the snow...Ian not wanting to be in the snow anymore.
Ian and Aiden in the snow.

Ian and I. <3>

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